New INSANE TH9 Base Links | Town Hall 9 War/Trophy Bases

th9 base link

When creating your th9 base link, it is crucial to consider various factors that contribute to a strong and impenetrable base. These factors include:

Defense Placement: Positioning defensive structures strategically to cover key areas and minimize vulnerabilities.

Trap Placement: Strategically placing traps to surprise and weaken attacking troops.

Resource Protection: Allocating space for resource storages and safeguarding them against enemy raids.

Compartmentalization: Dividing the base into compartments to slow down enemy progress and thwart attacks.

Pathing: Creating effective pathways to control the movement of enemy troops and channel them into defensive kill zones.


Best Th9 Trophy Base Anti 3 Star

Th9 War Base With Link

CC : Electrodragon

This base excels at defending against ground attacks. Its layout focuses on channeling ground troops into traps and exposing them to devastating splash damage, making it an excellent choice for countering ground-based strategies.

Best Th9 Base Link Anti Air

Best Town Hall 9 Anti Air

CC : Babydragon + Witches

Clan castle is placed in the the center of the base, Wizard towers, Tesla and X-bows, as well as a Air defense, are all located around this place. This layout is an anti air and  anti-Valkyrie  with parallel air defenses along the length of it. It can easily defend:

Gobowitch (Golem, bowlers and witches).Lavaloons (lava Hounds and balloons).Govalk (Golem and Valkyries)Govaho (Golem, Valkyries and loons)

Best Th9 base Anti 2 Star

Th9 Base Anti Everything

CC : Babydragon + Witches

This Town Hall 9 arrangement is symmetrical and can defend against several enemy attacks. We have the newest addition, geared cannon, in this village. Excellent trap placement can be seen in this Th9 base layout design, which also features an open chamber that invites ground forces can also protect dark elixir which is placed in the center of the base always use clan castle to get the maximum benefit from the base design. thi th9 base layout is anti 2 star because the enemy troops will move around the base.

Best Th9 Trophy Pushing Base

Th9 Trophy Base

CC : Electrodragon

This Th9 Base Link showcases a unique and innovative design that focuses on luring attackers into traps and exposing them to devastating counterattacks. This base takes advantage of baiting tactics to trick opponents and secure defensive victories. The best base for dark elixir farming and trophy pushing

Th9 Base Link Anti 3 Star

Th9 Base Link Anti 3 Star

CC : Babydragon + Witches

This base excels at defending against ground th9 attacks. Its layout focuses on channeling ground troops into traps and exposing them to devastating splash damage, making it an excellent choice for countering ground-based strategies. This is the best town hall 9 war base design. Give it a try, and do not forget to use defensive clan castle troops.

Th9 Troll Base Link

Th9 Troll Base Link

CC : Electrodragon

The Th9 Troll base, as the name suggests, tempts attackers with the Town Hall placed outside the walls. However, the surrounding defences pose a formidable challenge, making it a frustrating base to conquer. Without defensive clan castle troops, this base is not worth trying. This base can be used for trophy pushing.

Best Town Hall 9 Trophy Base

Best Th9 Trophy Pushing Base

CC : Babydragon + Witches

 This is a th9 hybrid/trophy base that strikes a balance between defending resources and thwarting attacks. It features well-protected storages, along with a formidable defense system to deter even the most determined invaders. Use this town hall 9 only if you’re farming and trophy pushing in higher leagues.

Town Hall 9 Trophy Base Link

Town Hall 9 Trophy Base Link

CC : Babydragon + Baloons

One of the most well-liked townhall 9 base designs may be utilised for both clan battles and trophy pushing, but you must deploy clan castle troops as defence if you want this base to operate. This is a lovely th9 base plan design, with four well-designed corners, each compartment having a powerful and evenly dispersed defence structure

Best Th9 Base Link

Anti 3 star Th9 Base

CC : Babydragon + Witches

Rounded Th9 base link which is anti 3 star town hall 9 base design can be used in trophy pushing farming and in clan war leagues. This is a fortified base with powerful defences and walls. use clan castle troops for better outcome

Clash of Clans Th9 Trophy Base

Th9 Base Anti 2 Star

CC : Babydragon + Witches

This is a Anti 3 star battle design that can withstand attacks from the air and bowler hogs. As I have mentioned, this terrain is capable of repelling air attacks, particularly the frequent lava loons at Town Hall 9. Keep an eye on the location of air defences, which are evenly spread on the layout’s four sides to defend all air strikes. This is yet another wonderful village map you can use to for trophy pushing.

It totally depends on you, how good are you attack’s and defense and also your base should be completely maxed to reach titan league.

Again, it complete depends on base layout design and its structure but most commonly used is electrodragon, babydargon+witches  and  balloons

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