Welcome to our Clash of Clans (COC) Coc Town Hall 11 War Base Links blog, where we discuss strategic base designs and combat strategies. This article contains a large selection of TH11 cwl war bases that have been methodically designed to excel in Clan War Leagues and Clan Wars.
Each base is meticulously built, taking defensive placements, trap placement, and troop pathing into mind to offer optimal protection and foil opposing attacks. We cover everything from anti-3 star designs to tesla farms and southern teases to help you rule the battlefield. We have a best TH11 war base to suit your playstyle, also do let us know for any suggestions on clash of clan strategies.
Best TH11 Clan War League Base

This is the best town hall 11 for the Clan War league, well placed clan castle at the centre of the base in the protection of queen and x-bows, hidden Tesla’s are outside the boundary of walls, so that it is very difficult for the enemy, to funnel the troops inside the base, when enemy attacks from 3 o’clock end, getting troops inside the base layout is very difficult, because the troops may go around the base, without entering the centre of the base and also the town hall is at the opposite end of eagle artillery and Inferno towers are set on multiple attacks and all the xbows at the centre of base design, so that it is gives highest damage to enemy troops and this looks very strong and difficult base to 3 star, i highly recommend this th11 clan war league base.
Coc Town Hall 11 War Base

This Town Hall 11 war base can be used in both clan war leagues and clan wars. This design looks very good and strong. Town Hall is surrounded by hidden Tesla and Inferno Towers and well placed air defenses; one of the air defenses is protected by a queen, and all the storages and collectors are placed outside the wall layout. so that troops take time to enter the base, don’t forget to use the clan castle troops for defense. You can use Electro Dragons or Super Minions as defensive troops.
Coc Th11 War Base Layout

This town hall 11 base has boxed compartments of walls, which are very good to defend against ground attacks, and well placed inferno towers, which are on high hit single targets. Queen and eagle artillery are on the opposite end of the base. This town hall 11 base defense is nicely distributed across the base layout. You can give it a try in clan war leagues and clan wars, and do let me know in the comments how well this base worked for you.
Southern Teaser TH11 War Base

This is a southern teaser Town Hall 11 war base, where every attacker will choose to take down eagle artillery first, by which he will end up getting smashed by heroes and clan castle troops. This base is an anti 3 star Town Hall 11 war base, and if the attacker is too weak, then this base will defend for 0 starts easily. Storages are placed inside for high health points, so it will take more time for the enemy troops to take down defense. Do rate this base in the comment section.
Best Town Hall War Base Link

Town Hall 11 war base design with two infernos on multiple targets and well placed town hall and eagle artillery on the opposite end of the base well spread defense outside the base at town hall corner so that the attacker may feel difficulty in attacking the base do not forget to use clan castle troops for defence i would suggest witch with supper minions and the xbows are well placed across the base which can defend any attacks.
Unbeatable TH11 War Base

This TH11 war base is an unbeaten war base where eagle artillery is protected at the core center of the base by inferno, xbows, and strong walls. It is very difficult for the attacker to get inside the base without activating the eagle artillery, either the attacker should go for town hall or for the CC troops and eagle artillery. This is a well-designed, strong Town Hall 11 base that can give you victories in clan war leagues. Give it a try and let me know how good it was.
Tesla Farm TH11 War

This Town Hall 11 war base is a tesla farm base where tesla’s are placed at both corners of the base layout, and the queen is also protected by teslas. Infernos are on multiple targets, air defense is well placed, and there are also air weepers. It is very difficult to take this down using air attack strategies. The town is surrounded by high-damage buildings and xbows. This th11 base can be used in clan war leagues and also for trophy pushing in higher leagues.
Town Hall 11 War Base Anti AIr & Anti Hog

This is an open base layout plan which is an anti air th11 war base. All the compartments are well protected and have a strong defense zone, and it is also an anti hog base with two xbows on ground and two xbows on air. Give this base a try and let me know if changes need to be made in this base layout.
Anti-3 Star TH11 War Base

Anti 3 star town hall 11 base layout, eagle artillery is placed in the center of the base, and both the infernos are on multiple targets and protected by storage. Use clan castle troops to defend against strong and maxed troops. Do check out the base and use it in clan war leagues and clan wars. Slight changes can be made as per defence level.
New TH11 Cwl War Base

The best new th11 cwl war base copy link below. The design looks simple and easy, and the base has been tested in many clan war leagues. This base has performed well and defended many attacks, so give it a try and let me know in the comments which base worked for you. Also, comment below which clash of clans base you want me to upload next. Share with your clanmates and friends.
It has a well-placed clan castle, protected by queen and xbows, making it difficult for enemies to funnel troops into the base. The base layout and strategic defenses offer a strong defense and make it challenging to 3-star.
The placement of hidden Teslas and the base design create obstacles, making it challenging for enemies to guide their troops into the center of the base effectively.
Troops like witches with super minions can be effective, but the choice depends on the base layout and individual strategy.
While the provided layouts are effective, minor modifications can be made based on defense levels and troop compositions.